JKAU: Met., Env. & Arid Land Agric. Sci., Vol. 21, No.1, pp: 93-108 (2010 A.D./1431 A.H.)
DOI: 10.4197/Met. 21-1.7
DNA Fingerprinting and Genotyping of Four Black
Seed (Nigella sativa L.) Taxa
Asma Al-Huqail and Faisal Al-Saad
Faculty of Botany and Microbiology Dept., College of Science,
King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Abstract. DNA fingerprints of four Taxa of black seeds (Nigella sativa
L.) from Qassim (Saudi Arabia), Ethiopia, Egypt, and Syria were
studied. The results showed that there are several genetic differences
between these different black seeds Taxa, which could be considered
as genotypic characteristics and lead to classifying them as varieties
under the sativa species. To study the DNA fingerprinting of these
Taxa, the Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) method was employed
in the PCR technique to determine the levels of polymorphism
between their genetic makeups. The ISSR-PCR investigated the intermicrosatellites
sequences in their three types (Di, Tri, and Tetra) of
the Short Tandem Repeats. Seventeen proper primers representing
these three primers' types were used. The obtained banding pattern
indicated a high level of polymorphism. The scored bands of the DNA
fingerprints in these Taxa were 108, 106, 100 and 81 in Qassim,
Ethiopia, Syria, and Egypt, respectively. When the percentages of
dissimilarity between them were computed, the range was between
21.5-36.3%. Such a relatively high level of polymorphism
substantiated the objectives of the present study which supposed that
black seeds grown in the different localities in the world over time
have undergone genetic changes to the level that could make them
different varieties. Twenty four genes representing 24 different
enzymes and isozymes were selected and scanned via PCR technique
using suitable SSR primers. The obtained results, showed some
changes in the genetic structure of some of these genes. The
differences in the DNA fingerprints and the number of comparable
genes should be reflected on the gene expression manifested in the
protein homology and hence on the metabolism.
Asma Al-Huqail and Faisal Al-Saad
Nigella sativa L. (Ranunculaceae family), commonly known as black
seed has been employed for thousands of years as spice and food
preservative, as well as a protective and curative remedy for numerous
disorders. In Islamic culture, it is regarded as one of the greatest forms of
healing medicine available. Prophet Muhammad once stated that the
black seed can heal every disease except death. N. sativa L. has been
used traditionally for centuries in the Middle East, Northern Africa and
India for the treatment of various diseases (Worthen, 1998, Burits and
Bucar, 2000, Al-Ghamdi, 2001, and Gilani et al., 2004). Research from
around the globe is giving increasing support for black seed's widespread
healing powers. Extracts of the black seeds have many therapeutic effects
such as antidiabetes, antibacteria, and antitumor (Khan et al., 2003,
Kanter et al., 2004, and Hussein et al., 2005).
Despite the voluminous research published about the great medicinal
benefits of the black seed consumed around the world, there is no
published research, to our knowledge, on the application of molecular
markers to study the genetic structure of Nigella sativa L. Moreover, the
questions of whether the black seeds grown in different localities are
different varieties of one species or not, have not been addressed. Hence,
this imposes a second important question: Are all the black seed grown
around the world having the same genetic/metabolic components in
quality and quantity for medicinal effects?
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the genetic
makeup by using the genetic markers in PCR technique to characterize
and compare DNA Fingerprints in four Black Seed (Nigella sativa L.)
Taxa that are widely consumed for food and medicine.
Materials and Methods
DNA Extraction
The black seeds Nigella sativa L. were collected from Qassim (Saudi
Arabia), Ethiopia, Egypt, and Syria. After complete germination of seeds,
seedlings were shock-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -20°C until
DNA isolation was performed. Plant genomic DNA was extracted using
the DNA Extraction Kit from Roche Company (Roche, Germany). This
DNA Fingerprinting and Genotyping…
method has given a large amount of DNA with high degree of purity.
DNA purity and concentration were checked by measuring absorbency
ratio OD260/OD280, using a Gene-Quant spectrophotometer (Amersham
Company, USA). Then samples’ DNAs were diluted to the working
concentration of 100 ng/ μL (Al- Huqail, 2006).
Anchored and nonanchored (di, tri and tetra) oligonucleotide primers
were used for amplifications with specific and optimal annealing
temperatures (Table 1). All Primers were supplied by Amersham
Pharmacia Biotech, Sweden.
ISSR Amplifications
Each reaction contained 1.5 mM MgCl2; 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.3);
50 mM KCl; 0.4 mM of each deoxyribonucleotide phosphate dNTPs; 0.5
μM primer; 100 ng DNA template/reaction and 1.25 units of Taq DNA
Polymerase in a final reaction volume of 25 μl. Many factors of PCR
amplification influence pattern quality. MgCl2 used at final concentration
of 1.5 mM was generally found to generate bands of high intensity.
Template DNA concentration was found to influence band intensity.
Thus, from different concentrations tested, 100 ng DNA per reaction
gave the best amplification products, while the Primer concentration of
0.5 μM resulted in a higher number of bands. Reactions without DNA
were used as negative controls (Al-Huqail, 2006).
PCR Program
Amplifications were carried out in a thermal cycler (AMPLITRON
II Thermolyne. USA). ISSR-PCR amplifications and analyses were as
described by Nagaraju et al. (2002), but with some modifications. The
apparatus was programmed to execute the following conditions: Initial
denaturation step of 4 min at 95°C, followed by 35 cycles each of
which composed of 30 s. at 95°C, 45 s. at the primer’s specific
annealing temperature at 42-64°C and 2 min for extension at 72°C. A
final extension step of 10 min at 72°C was run at the end of the last
PCR cycle. Different
annealing temperatures were tried for each primer
and the temperatures ranged from 40 to 65°C (Table 1).
Asma Al-Huqail and Faisal Al-Saad
Table 1. Anchored and nonanchored oligonucleotide primers.
Primer Type Sequence Ta
Non anchored
Non anchored
Non anchored
Non anchored
Non anchored
Non anchored
Electrophoresis of PCR Amplicons
The PCR amplification products (amplicons) were analyzed by
electrophoresis using a 2.25% agarose gel in 1x Tris Acetic cid EDTA
(TAE). DNA was stained by soaking the gel in a0.5 mg/mL ethidium
bromide solution and run at 60 v for 3 h. Stained gel was visualized
and photographed on UV Transilluminator (Al-Huqail, 2006).
Index of Similarity
Similarity coefficient (index of similarity) was calculated to compare
the results of the genetic fingerprints for the determination of the
percentage of similarities between the Taxa. The following formula was
Bab = 2 Nab / (Na + Nb)
Where Nab is the number of bands that appear common in all types a, b.
While each of the Na, and Nb are the total number of bands that appear in
both a and b, respectively (Lynch, 1990).
DNA Fingerprinting and Genotyping…
Genes Scan via PCR Technique
Twenty four genes representing 24 different enzymes and isozymes
were selected and scanned via PCR technique using suitable SSR primers.
These genes were selected from the list of Arabidopsis thaliana, grains, and
legumes cited in the gene bank (NCBI.org). The genes codes and numbers
were checked in the web site http://www.Entrez PubMed to find their base
pair sequence to select proper lengths of bases for the SSR primers design in
both directions (Forward and Reverse). The Melting-Temperatures of the
selected SSR primers were computed in the appropriate program on the
website: http://www.promega.com/biomath/default.htm. (Al-Huqail, 2006).
Results and Discussion
DNA Fingerprinting
Results clearly indicate that the four Black Seed (Nigella sativa)
Taxa (Qassim, Ethiopia, Egypt and Syria) differ in their DNA structures,
as their DNA fingerprints show a high degree of polymorphism. Hence,
the results mean that these four Taxa of Nigella sativa do have different
relative frequencies of microsatellite motifs of their respective DNAs, as
can be seen from the scored banding patterns. Furthermore, these
banding patterns represent the ISSR-PCR markers obtained by the use of
the selected 17 ISSR primers. The figures presented in this paper (Fig. 1
& 2) show the amplified fingerprints of 8 primers (the remainder ISSR
primers results can be seen in Al-Huqail, 2006).
The total number of bands and their total base pairs yielded by the 17
ISSR primers are presented in Table 2 .The Qassim’s taxon yielded a
total of 108 bands with total bands lengths of 63795 base pair. While, the
total bands of the Ethiopia’s taxon was 106 with a total of 59240 base
pair. Moreover, the total number of bands in the Egypt’s taxon was 81
bands totalling 47995 base pair, whereas the total number of bands in the
Syria’s taxon was 100 bands with 60820 base pair of total lengths.
The index of similarity between bands of DNA fingerprinting of
black seeds Nigella sativa Taxa for Qassim and Ethiopia (Table 3) was
0.78, between Qassim and Egypt 0.62, between Qassim and Syria 0.69,
between Ethiopia and Egypt 0.71, between Ethiopia and Syria 0.68, and
between Egypt and Syria 0.72.
Asma Al-Huqail and Faisal Al-Saad
Fig. 1. Gel electrophoresis of ISSR bands obtained with primers: (a)- (CA)6GT, (b) -
(CA)6AC, (c)- (AG)8 CC, (d)- (AGT)6. In the X-axis, numbers from (1-4 ) represent
four black seeds (Nigella sativa L.) Taxa from Qassim, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Syria
DNA Fingerprinting and Genotyping…
On the other hand, when the percentages of dissimilarity between
these Taxa were computed, they ranged between 21.5-36.3 %.
Fig. 2. Gel electrophoresis of ISSR bands obtained with primers : (e) - (CAA)5, (f) -(GTG)3
GC, (g)- (CAG)5, (h)- (GATA)2(GACA)2.. In the X-axis, numbers from (1-4)
represent four black seeds (Nigella sativa L.) Taxa from Qassim, Ethiopia, Egypt,
and Syria, respectively.
Asma Al-Huqail and Faisal Al-Saad
Table 2. Total number of bands and total bands’ base pair from DNA fingerprinting of
black seeds (Nigella sativa L.) Taxa from Qassim, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Syria.
Primer Qassim Ethiopia Egypt Syria
(CA)6CT 2 0 3 7
(CA)6AG 11 6 2 6
(CA)6GT 7 8 7 9
(CA)6GA 8 6 4 8
(CA)6GG 7 8 7 5
(CA)6AC 8 9 9 7
(CT)8 TG 6 7 7 6
(AG)8CA 9 9 6 7
(AG)8CC 9 9 9 9
(AG)8CT 6 9 2 9
(AGT)6 2 4 3 2
(CAA)5 5 5 3 2
(GTG)3 GC 8 6 4 7
(CAG)5 6 5 5 5
(GATA)4 4 4 4 5
(GACA)4 4 4 4 4
(GATA)2(GACA)2 6 7 2 2
Total no. of bands 108 106 81 100
Total bands base pair 63795 59240 47995 60820
Such a relatively high level of polymorphism has substantiated the
objectives of the present study which supposed that black seeds grown in
different localities over time have undergone genetic changes to the level
that could make them different varieties. The ISSR marker technique
involves polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA using a
single primer composed of a microsatellite sequence such as (GACA)4,
anchored at the 3' or 5' end by two to four arbitrary, often degenerate,
nucleotides (Zietkiewicz et al. 1994).
DNA Fingerprinting and Genotyping…
Table 3. Index of similarity between bands of DNA fingerprinting of black seeds (Nigella
sativa L.) Taxa from Qassim, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Syria.
Nigella sativa L. Taxa Qassim Ethiopia Egypt Syria
Qassim - 0.78 0.62 0.69
Ethiopia 0.78 - 0.71 0.68
Egypt 0.62 0.71 - 0.72
Syria 0.69 0.68 0.72 -
The ISSRs have proven to be a reliable, rapid, simple, cost
effective, easy to generate, and versatile set of markers that do not require
previous knowledge of the genome sequence to generate DNA markers,
unlike SSRs (Zietkiewicz et al., 1994, Gupta et al., 1994, Bornet and
Branchard, 2001, & Bornet et al. 2002).
The flexibility to design primers containing a di-, tri-, or tetranucleotide
repetitive motifs anchored by one or more nucleotides at the 3'
or 5' end make them ideal to explore the genome of any species,
including those without previous knowledge of DNA sequence
(Zietkiewicz et al., 1994).
Furthermore, previous investigators have demonstrated that ISSR
analysis usually detects a higher level of polymorphism than that
detected with Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) or
Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analyses (Kantety et al.,
1995 and Nagaoka and Ogihara, 1997). Thus, ISSR markers are useful in
studies on genetic diversity, phylogeny, genetagging, genome mapping
and evolutionary biology and are widely applied in plant genetic analyses
(McClean et al., 2002, Reddy et al., 2002, Gonzalez et al., 2005, Hou et
al., 2005, Manimekali et al., 2006, Martinez, 2006, Thomas et al., 2006,
and Li et al., 2006). ISSR has also been used in barley for detecting
genetic diversity, genotype identification and genetic mapping (Matus
and Hayes, 2002, and Hou et al., 2005). Furthermore, ISSRs have been
used for cultivar identification in maize (Kantety et al., 1995), wheat
(Nagaoka and Ogihara, 1997). In addition, ISSR-PCR markers are scored
as dominant, highly reproducible and consistent because the anchors
serve to fix the annealing of the primer to a single position of the target
site, thus, resulting in a low level of slippage during amplification
(Zietkiewicz et al., 1994). ISSR method has been considered an efficient
molecular marker to reveal genetic relationships in traditional and
evolved Basmati and semidwarf non-Basmati rice varieties (Nagaraju et
Asma Al-Huqail and Faisal Al-Saad
al., 2002). SSR and ISSR were compared and evaluated for the
determination of the similarity degree between 41 commercial cultivars
of apple (Malus domestica Borkh). The scored similarity coefficient
between cultivars ranged from 0.20 to 0.87 for SSR analysis and from
0.71 to 0.92 for the ISSR methodology (Goulao and Oliveira, 2001).
Genotyping of Four Black Seed (Nigella sativa L.) Taxa
Results in Fig. 3 and 4 show some of the scanned twenty four genes
representing 24 different enzymes and isozymes via PCR technique using
the selected SSR primers (the results of the remainder scanned genes can
be seen in Al-Huqail, 2006). The obtained results revealed some changes
in the genetic structure of some of these genes. The Qassim taxon
contained all 24 genes as indicated by the presence of their bands, while
the Ethiopian and Egyptian Taxa gave 23 bands representing 23 genes.
On the other hand, only 17 bands appeared in the Syrian taxon. These
results indicate that there are several genotypic differences between these
different Taxa of black seeds, which can be considered as genotypic
characteristics. These genotyping results do add further evidence to the
supposition put forth in this research that these four Taxa may be
different varieties of the Nigella sativa species.
Although the traditional taxonomic classification of varieties has
been based on analysis of the morphological traits, the development of
molecular genetic markers has made it possible and more accurate to
differentiate between Taxa even if they have the same morphological
traits. The cited literature for genotyping is enormously voluminous and,
thus, only some examples will be reported here. In previous studies, the
genetic diversity of denitrifying bacteria was investigated by using two
distinct PCR methods for the nitrite reductase genes to differentiate
between the sampled Taxa (Braker et al., 1998). Moreover the
polymorphic β -amylase gene loci in various barley varieties in Ukraine
were studied by Stratula and Sivolap, (2007) and their results showed
that the genotypes of the different barley varieties included different
alleles of the β-amylase genes. Furthermore, in another study, alcohol
dehydrogenase (Adh) genes were scanned in two distantly related
legumes, and their sequences were used to examine the molecular
evolutionary history of the basic nuclear gene (Fukuda et al., 2005).
Hence, it can be concluded that genes can undergo evolutionary changes
over time by generating different base pair sequences when compared
DNA Fingerprinting and Genotyping…
with the original base pair sequence present in the original gene. Such
evolutionary changes will lead to different genetic makeup to the level
that could classify the Taxa as different varieties of the pertaining
Fig. 3. Gel electrophoresis of genes scan using PCR technique with SSR primers (a)
represent gene band of Alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme, (b)- Catalases, (c)-
Glutamine synthetases, (d) Lipase. In the X-axis; numbers from (1-4) represent
four black seeds (Nigella sativa L.) Taxa from Qassim, Ethiopia, Egypt, and Syria
Asma Al-Huqail and Faisal Al-Saad
Fig. 4. Gel electrophoresis of genes scan using PCR technique with SSR primers (e)
represent gene band of Amylases enzyme, (f) - Nitrate reductase and Nitrite
reductase , (g)- GOT, (h) Cellulase and Kinases. In the X-axis; numbers from (1-4 )
represent four black seeds (Nigella sativa L.) Taxa from Qassim, Ethiopia, Egypt,
and Syria respectively.
DNA Fingerprinting and Genotyping…
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