Natural Remedies
Researchers are constantly examining the benefits of black seed oil and other herbal remedies in the treatment of many ailments for two main reasons.
One is to conclude that who use these alternative medicines will not be at risk of detrimental side effects.
The other is to prove the effectiveness of natural remedies, because available pharmaceutical remedies are for certain ailments limited, may have bad side effects and can even be ineffective in the long term.
Research on the benefits of black seed oil is considered preliminary, as most studies have been carried out on animals, but the results are promising. Indeed the FDA have patented extracts of black seed in 3 separate cases and in 2 other separate cases they have patented it in combination with other herbs.
Black seed has also been patented in the UK.
The concept of black seed being used to assist sufferers of asthma is indeed an interesting possibility. The fact that it took Germany by storm after curing a famous racehorse certainly empowered the notion of how well herbal remedies can work.
Dr. Peter Schleicher a top Immunologist in Munich, Germany saw that his daughter´s famous show horse, "Baronesse" was dramatically cured from serious asthma by black seed. He then applied black seed to a prominent German politician. When he was also completely cured the Dr. took the seed to serious study and was the head of 5 major research studies on this ancient herb.
The Dr. took oil capsules of black seed into a trial of 600 patients who were suffering from allergies. 70% of patients with allergies such as pollen and dust allergies, asthma and neuro-dermitis were cured.
Herbal remedies and alternative medicine are becoming redicovered as a real solution to restore and sustain good health. Research has identified black seed as being highly beneficial in the treatment of removing tumours.
Dr. Peter Schleicher a top Immunologist in Munich, Germany saw that his daughter´s famous show horse, "Baronesse" was dramatically cured from serious asthma by black seed. He then applied black seed to a prominent German politician. When he was also completely cured the Dr. took the seed to serious study and was the head of 5 major research studies on this ancient herb.
The Black seed has been treated as serious remedy for clearing tumours and has been patented by the FDA in USA in 2 separate cases for the treatment of cancer and other conditions and the prevention of the side affects of anti cancer chemo-therapy and to support the immune system.
(One must be aware that these patents are for extracts of the black seed and are not patents for our products)
In other studies made it was found that this herb diminishes toxic side effects caused by several other chemotherapeutic drugs. Extracts from the seeds were toxic to tumour cells and prevent blood cell toxicity caused by the anti-cancer drug cisplatin. The active components of black seed, thymoquinoline and dithymoquinone have been shown to inhibit tumour cells, even tumour cells resistant to anti-tumour drugs.
Diabetes is the number one nutritional problem in US. This is mainly caused by bad diet which creates excess fat. Being obese or overweight is the main cause of Diabetes Type II.
There have been numerous research papers confirming the benefits of black seed for diabetes. The well known physician and herbalist Muhammed Salim Khan confirmed the benefits of Black seed with human subjects. The best results with diabetes may be obtained by combining black seed oil with a good diet. One should contact ones physician as studies have shown that black seed oil reduces blood glucose levels significantly. One should avoid over fatty foods and add fresh fruits in the diet.
Colon Cleanse
A colon cleanse is a special issue for black seed oil. A blocked intestinal tract can lead to many other illnesses, as Paracelsus said, "Death is found in the intestines."
Due to our intake of more and more processed foods, fast foods etc, we subject our intestines to foods that are difficult to breakdown. On top of this with the addition of chemicals in foods, in the air and in tap water we overload ourselves leading to toxin bulid up.
Black seed oil can be used as a therapy due to its anti bacterial quality and because of its content of volatile oil (anti microbial) which cleans the intestinal tract due to nigellin and saponin melathin.
Candida is becoming more and more common. This may well have something to do with the fashion of ladies not wearing sufficient clothing. Consequently they are exposed to the cold air which can create infection. Studies with black seed have shown it to be a healthy remedy against this ailment.
In studies of black seed against candida it was confirmed that Black seed extracts produce antimicrobial activity against a broad range of microbes and especially on multiple antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Horses and Pets
One should not be too surprised to find nigella sativa as an animal health supplement. Presently in Germany, Switzerland and Austria there are numerous companies specialising in nigella sativa products especially for horses.
Horses and pets, like ourselves are open to sickness. By administering black seed into the feed one stabilises and strengthens the all important immune system.
Presently there is a major company in the UK which supplies an ayurvedic formula with a 20% content of black seed. This is for the treatment of horses with Laminitis, Equine Cushings Disease, Diabetes and Insulin resistance.
The Benefits of Antioxidants In Black Seed
Many studies have displayed the antioxidant activity of Black seed. Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals.
Free radical damage may lead to cancer. Antioxidants stabilize free radicals preventing the beginning of many illnesses. Black seed is also known to stabilise superoxide which is one of the stronger free radicals.
Healthy Recipes
Black seed is commonly used in the kitchen in the orient because of it's peppery and onion taste and when heated, it imparts an aroma strong, yet pleasing, like oregano or cumin, this is combined with the healing effects of the seed.
Over reactive immune system
This can lead to allergic reactions and rheumatic diseases. Black seed has powerful anti-inflammatory, bronchial-dilating and anti-histamine properties, and as such is an excellent agent against allergic reactions and states.
In allergic conditions, the excessive T cell function and the excessive humoral immune reaction of the B cells is largely stabilised.
The hypersensitivity (excessive immune reaction) to protein components of pollen is reduced.
The active substance, nigellon, is vasodilative and stimulates secretion.
Asthmatics achieve a significantly improved lung volume, have fewer problems with shortness of breath and secretion is improved.
Also chronic disease like multiple sclerosis and leukemia can be relieved.
Direction: 0.5 – 1 teaspoon of black seed oil taken 2-3 times a day for 20 days thereafter 1 teaspoon daily for 3 – 6 months.
Infection of the respiratory system. Cough, asthma, hayfever, sinusitus, colds
Because of black seed oil's contents nigellone and thymiquinone it has a secretion-dissolving and vasodilating effect therefore strongly relaxing the respiratory system.
It's bronchodilating effect opens passageways in the lungs allowing more oxygen to pass through. This can be amazing when one has been blocked up.
Combined with it's supportive role of the immune system black seed oil has been very beneficial in these applications.
Direction:Apply black seed oil to the chest and back. Mix a teaspoon of black seed oil in boiling water and inhale the vapour twice a day. Take a teaspoon of black seed oil in the morning and in the evening.
For hay fever begin taking a teaspoon of black seed oil in the morning and in the evening 3-4 weeks prior to the pollen season.
Flu & nasal congestion
Placing three to four drops of black seed oil in each nostril can relieve nasal congestion and head cold distress.
During infection take 2-3 teaspoons a day.
Liver and Gall bladder problems
The warming and bitter principles seem to penetrate into blockages in the body and rapidly instigate normalisation. Also saponins strengthen the liver function and promote bile secretion.
Take 2-3 teaspoons of black seed oil for 2 weeks.
Gall stones & kidney stones
The component nigellin promotes the function of the liver and kidneys (gallbladder)
Their anti spasmodic effects are said to be useful in the case of gallstones, excessive acids are broken down due to increased kidney activity and bile secretion which helps relieve inflammation.
Prepare a formulation of 250g of ground black seed & 250g pure honey, stir thoroughly before use. Take two tablespoons of this formulation and mix thoroughly with half a cup of hot water. Finally add one teaspoon of black seed oil. This mixture should be taken every morning before consuming any food.
For Hypertension
Black seed helps lower blood pressure; it releases excess fluid and relieves arterial pressure. Thymoquinone contains strong anti oxidant properties which benefit cardiovascular complaints. Prostoglandin E1 (black seed stimulates its production in the body) has been proven to lower blood pressure.
Take half teaspoon of Black seed oil with any hot drink at any time. Take 2 lobes of garlic on empty stomach. Apply Black seed oil to your whole body and expose it to the sun every three days where possible. (This is a typical remedy in Middle Eastern countries)
For Backache and Rheumatic pains.
Many types of rheumatism belong to the auto-immune group of diseases and indicate a deficient immune system.
Rheumatics often suffer from intestinal mycosis and the formation of too many acid toxins. Black seed oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces crystallisation and improves blood circulation in the painful areas of the body.
Warm the oil slightly and apply to the area thoroughly and massage into the affected area and drink 1 teaspoon oil twice daily.
Eat white boiled rice with a cup of yoghurt. Drink 2 teaspoons of black seed oil until the problem ceases.
Gatrointestinal Complaints
Flatulence, heartburn, constipation, intestinal fungi.Black seed oil contains saponin melanthin and the bitter principle nigellin, both having strong eliminating qualities cleaning the intestines and also increasing urine secretion therefore releasing more toxins.
Intestinal Parasites
It has been proven to be Anthelmintic, an agent that destroys or causes the expulsion of parasitic intestinal worms.
Stomach complaints
Black seed oil has digestive and flatulence inhibiting effects. It may also be used in cases of heartburn.
Take 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. Drink mint tea with lemon. For children, 1 cup of hot milk sweetened with honey and 1 teaspoon of black seed oil.
In Ayurveda black seeds are roasted and taken in a mixture with molasses.
Dry Cough
Rub the chest and back with the blessed seed oil.
For Heart complaints & Constriction of Veins
Take 1 teaspoon of the oil mixed with any hot drink in the mornings and in the evenings, this has been known to break down the fats and widen the veins and arteries.
Inflammation of the Nose and Throat
Put a few drops of oil in to a cup of boiling water and inhale the vapour. Take half a teaspoon of oil with lemon juice daily.
Neurodermatitis, Eczema and Psoriasis
The ingredients of black seed oil heal inflammation of the skin and alleviate itching. Sebaceous glands and sweat glands are able to work better again.
The balance is restored to the immune system. Heartburn is usually reduced to a minimum within 10 days or disappears altogether. The active ingredient thymoquinone encourages the bile flow and increases toxins to be released.
Direction: 0.5 – 1 teaspoon of black seed oil taken 2-3 times a day for 20 days thereafter 1 teaspoon daily for 3 – 6 months.
For Headache
Black seed oil is confirmed to ease headaches by regulating the hormonal system, promoting prostaglandin effect and increasing elimination of uric acid.
Apply black seed oil to the forehead and the temples, because of essential oils detoxification occurs creating better circulation. Take 1 teaspoon of black seed oil daily and continue until symptoms diminish.
Ear ache
Mix ½ teaspoon of oil with ½ teaspoon of olive oil, warm and then drip into the ear and cover with a shawl or a woolen hat.
Colic in Babies
Warm oil in hand, massage the whole abdomen with it stroking clockwise.
Lack of concentration, weak spirit
This can apply to simple disspiritidness but can also be the beginning of senile dementia. Black seed oil's stimulation of prostaglandin E1 activity has a regulating effect on the brain and in older people is a useful tonic to take daily. Drink 1 glass of 100% fruit juice with 1 teaspoon of black seed oil for 2 weeks, take 1-2 teaspoons of black seed oil daily.
To increase lactation in mothers
The seeds' galactagogue action
– increasing the milk flow
– has been verified on a study using rats whilst a study on humans has yielded positive results on its immunopotentiating role. Drink 1 cup of nigella tea 3 times daily. (see 10 Black cumin in the kitchen)
For menopause
Drink nigella tea regularly. Steep the seeds in very hot (not boiling) water for 5 minutes. Take 2-3 teaspoons of black seed oil daily.
Gum inflammation and Toothache
Black seeds anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and pain killing effect helps in these symptoms.
Rub infected area with black seed oil.2, take 1 teaspoon as a mouth rinse, rinse through the teeth and mouth for 3-5 minutes then spit out and thoroughly clean mouth as the oil will be full of toxins.
Usually arise from poor diets and intestinal toxins.
Direction: 0.5 – 1 teaspoon of black seed oil taken 2-3 times a day for 20 days thereafter 1 teaspoon daily for 3 – 6 months.
Bruises and injuries
Black seed oil when applied externally creates detoxification and better circulation because of essential oils. Also penetrates into deeper tissue and accelerates healing.
Massage into affected area and take 1 teaspoon 2-3 times daily.
Beauty Care
Naturally for care of beauty we must primarily take care of health. Black seed oil has been used by Cleopatra and Queen Nefertete (who was famous for her bronze like complexion) and was also administered by Pliny for restoring and maintaining beauty.
The essential oil of black seed provides cleansing and purifying qualities while the EFA content make it a wonderful moisturiser for both skin and hair. Black seed supports cell renewal, connective tissues are strengthened, blood supply to the skin is stimulated and the skin is revitalised.
Mix ½ teaspoon of black seed oil with ½ teaspoon of olive oil and apply to the face avoiding eyes. Leave for 15 minutes and then wash off with warm water.
Hair Care
Black seed strengthens the scalp and hair follicles. Apply black seed oil to the scalp (for problem hair can also massage into the hair.) and leave for ½ hour. Then wash out thoroughly.
Animal Care
Black seed oil is a famous product in Germany, Switzerland and Austria for animal health care especially horses. Black seed oil is said to have the following properties for treating animals; Improves circulation, digestion, flatulence, purifying, cellulite, euphoric, relieves fatigue & pain. Analgesic, Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Antitoxic, Aperitif, Aphrodisiac, Emmenagogue.
For cats and dogs administer ½-1 teaspoon of oil to food, for horses 2-3 teaspoons. This relieves respiratory ailments, allergic reactions and parasites of all kinds. Also the animals skin should begin to shine with health.
External application, steep black seed in water for 1 hour then spray on coat before grooming for gleaming hair and skin, improved circulation and to protect from or dispel fleas. 20-30 drops may be directly applied to ease hoof inflammations.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that these applications are taken from traditional and modern applications. In the case of illness one should always contact a physician to be absolutely sure. The statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA, and as such, shall not be construed as medical advice, implied or otherwise.
Where to buy Black seed oil
Researchers are constantly examining the benefits of black seed oil and other herbal remedies in the treatment of many ailments for two main reasons.
One is to conclude that who use these alternative medicines will not be at risk of detrimental side effects.
The other is to prove the effectiveness of natural remedies, because available pharmaceutical remedies are for certain ailments limited, may have bad side effects and can even be ineffective in the long term.
Research on the benefits of black seed oil is considered preliminary, as most studies have been carried out on animals, but the results are promising. Indeed the FDA have patented extracts of black seed in 3 separate cases and in 2 other separate cases they have patented it in combination with other herbs.
Black seed has also been patented in the UK.
The concept of black seed being used to assist sufferers of asthma is indeed an interesting possibility. The fact that it took Germany by storm after curing a famous racehorse certainly empowered the notion of how well herbal remedies can work.
Dr. Peter Schleicher a top Immunologist in Munich, Germany saw that his daughter´s famous show horse, "Baronesse" was dramatically cured from serious asthma by black seed. He then applied black seed to a prominent German politician. When he was also completely cured the Dr. took the seed to serious study and was the head of 5 major research studies on this ancient herb.
The Dr. took oil capsules of black seed into a trial of 600 patients who were suffering from allergies. 70% of patients with allergies such as pollen and dust allergies, asthma and neuro-dermitis were cured.
Herbal remedies and alternative medicine are becoming redicovered as a real solution to restore and sustain good health. Research has identified black seed as being highly beneficial in the treatment of removing tumours.
Dr. Peter Schleicher a top Immunologist in Munich, Germany saw that his daughter´s famous show horse, "Baronesse" was dramatically cured from serious asthma by black seed. He then applied black seed to a prominent German politician. When he was also completely cured the Dr. took the seed to serious study and was the head of 5 major research studies on this ancient herb.
The Black seed has been treated as serious remedy for clearing tumours and has been patented by the FDA in USA in 2 separate cases for the treatment of cancer and other conditions and the prevention of the side affects of anti cancer chemo-therapy and to support the immune system.
(One must be aware that these patents are for extracts of the black seed and are not patents for our products)
In other studies made it was found that this herb diminishes toxic side effects caused by several other chemotherapeutic drugs. Extracts from the seeds were toxic to tumour cells and prevent blood cell toxicity caused by the anti-cancer drug cisplatin. The active components of black seed, thymoquinoline and dithymoquinone have been shown to inhibit tumour cells, even tumour cells resistant to anti-tumour drugs.
Diabetes is the number one nutritional problem in US. This is mainly caused by bad diet which creates excess fat. Being obese or overweight is the main cause of Diabetes Type II.
There have been numerous research papers confirming the benefits of black seed for diabetes. The well known physician and herbalist Muhammed Salim Khan confirmed the benefits of Black seed with human subjects. The best results with diabetes may be obtained by combining black seed oil with a good diet. One should contact ones physician as studies have shown that black seed oil reduces blood glucose levels significantly. One should avoid over fatty foods and add fresh fruits in the diet.
Colon Cleanse
A colon cleanse is a special issue for black seed oil. A blocked intestinal tract can lead to many other illnesses, as Paracelsus said, "Death is found in the intestines."
Due to our intake of more and more processed foods, fast foods etc, we subject our intestines to foods that are difficult to breakdown. On top of this with the addition of chemicals in foods, in the air and in tap water we overload ourselves leading to toxin bulid up.
Black seed oil can be used as a therapy due to its anti bacterial quality and because of its content of volatile oil (anti microbial) which cleans the intestinal tract due to nigellin and saponin melathin.
Candida is becoming more and more common. This may well have something to do with the fashion of ladies not wearing sufficient clothing. Consequently they are exposed to the cold air which can create infection. Studies with black seed have shown it to be a healthy remedy against this ailment.
In studies of black seed against candida it was confirmed that Black seed extracts produce antimicrobial activity against a broad range of microbes and especially on multiple antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Horses and Pets
One should not be too surprised to find nigella sativa as an animal health supplement. Presently in Germany, Switzerland and Austria there are numerous companies specialising in nigella sativa products especially for horses.
Horses and pets, like ourselves are open to sickness. By administering black seed into the feed one stabilises and strengthens the all important immune system.
Presently there is a major company in the UK which supplies an ayurvedic formula with a 20% content of black seed. This is for the treatment of horses with Laminitis, Equine Cushings Disease, Diabetes and Insulin resistance.
The Benefits of Antioxidants In Black Seed
Many studies have displayed the antioxidant activity of Black seed. Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals.
Free radical damage may lead to cancer. Antioxidants stabilize free radicals preventing the beginning of many illnesses. Black seed is also known to stabilise superoxide which is one of the stronger free radicals.
Healthy Recipes
Black seed is commonly used in the kitchen in the orient because of it's peppery and onion taste and when heated, it imparts an aroma strong, yet pleasing, like oregano or cumin, this is combined with the healing effects of the seed.
Over reactive immune system
This can lead to allergic reactions and rheumatic diseases. Black seed has powerful anti-inflammatory, bronchial-dilating and anti-histamine properties, and as such is an excellent agent against allergic reactions and states.
In allergic conditions, the excessive T cell function and the excessive humoral immune reaction of the B cells is largely stabilised.
The hypersensitivity (excessive immune reaction) to protein components of pollen is reduced.
The active substance, nigellon, is vasodilative and stimulates secretion.
Asthmatics achieve a significantly improved lung volume, have fewer problems with shortness of breath and secretion is improved.
Also chronic disease like multiple sclerosis and leukemia can be relieved.
Direction: 0.5 – 1 teaspoon of black seed oil taken 2-3 times a day for 20 days thereafter 1 teaspoon daily for 3 – 6 months.
Infection of the respiratory system. Cough, asthma, hayfever, sinusitus, colds
Because of black seed oil's contents nigellone and thymiquinone it has a secretion-dissolving and vasodilating effect therefore strongly relaxing the respiratory system.
It's bronchodilating effect opens passageways in the lungs allowing more oxygen to pass through. This can be amazing when one has been blocked up.
Combined with it's supportive role of the immune system black seed oil has been very beneficial in these applications.
Direction:Apply black seed oil to the chest and back. Mix a teaspoon of black seed oil in boiling water and inhale the vapour twice a day. Take a teaspoon of black seed oil in the morning and in the evening.
For hay fever begin taking a teaspoon of black seed oil in the morning and in the evening 3-4 weeks prior to the pollen season.
Flu & nasal congestion
Placing three to four drops of black seed oil in each nostril can relieve nasal congestion and head cold distress.
During infection take 2-3 teaspoons a day.
Liver and Gall bladder problems
The warming and bitter principles seem to penetrate into blockages in the body and rapidly instigate normalisation. Also saponins strengthen the liver function and promote bile secretion.
Take 2-3 teaspoons of black seed oil for 2 weeks.
Gall stones & kidney stones
The component nigellin promotes the function of the liver and kidneys (gallbladder)
Their anti spasmodic effects are said to be useful in the case of gallstones, excessive acids are broken down due to increased kidney activity and bile secretion which helps relieve inflammation.
Prepare a formulation of 250g of ground black seed & 250g pure honey, stir thoroughly before use. Take two tablespoons of this formulation and mix thoroughly with half a cup of hot water. Finally add one teaspoon of black seed oil. This mixture should be taken every morning before consuming any food.
For Hypertension
Black seed helps lower blood pressure; it releases excess fluid and relieves arterial pressure. Thymoquinone contains strong anti oxidant properties which benefit cardiovascular complaints. Prostoglandin E1 (black seed stimulates its production in the body) has been proven to lower blood pressure.
Take half teaspoon of Black seed oil with any hot drink at any time. Take 2 lobes of garlic on empty stomach. Apply Black seed oil to your whole body and expose it to the sun every three days where possible. (This is a typical remedy in Middle Eastern countries)
For Backache and Rheumatic pains.
Many types of rheumatism belong to the auto-immune group of diseases and indicate a deficient immune system.
Rheumatics often suffer from intestinal mycosis and the formation of too many acid toxins. Black seed oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces crystallisation and improves blood circulation in the painful areas of the body.
Warm the oil slightly and apply to the area thoroughly and massage into the affected area and drink 1 teaspoon oil twice daily.
Eat white boiled rice with a cup of yoghurt. Drink 2 teaspoons of black seed oil until the problem ceases.
Gatrointestinal Complaints
Flatulence, heartburn, constipation, intestinal fungi.Black seed oil contains saponin melanthin and the bitter principle nigellin, both having strong eliminating qualities cleaning the intestines and also increasing urine secretion therefore releasing more toxins.
Intestinal Parasites
It has been proven to be Anthelmintic, an agent that destroys or causes the expulsion of parasitic intestinal worms.
Stomach complaints
Black seed oil has digestive and flatulence inhibiting effects. It may also be used in cases of heartburn.
Take 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day. Drink mint tea with lemon. For children, 1 cup of hot milk sweetened with honey and 1 teaspoon of black seed oil.
In Ayurveda black seeds are roasted and taken in a mixture with molasses.
Dry Cough
Rub the chest and back with the blessed seed oil.
For Heart complaints & Constriction of Veins
Take 1 teaspoon of the oil mixed with any hot drink in the mornings and in the evenings, this has been known to break down the fats and widen the veins and arteries.
Inflammation of the Nose and Throat
Put a few drops of oil in to a cup of boiling water and inhale the vapour. Take half a teaspoon of oil with lemon juice daily.
Neurodermatitis, Eczema and Psoriasis
The ingredients of black seed oil heal inflammation of the skin and alleviate itching. Sebaceous glands and sweat glands are able to work better again.
The balance is restored to the immune system. Heartburn is usually reduced to a minimum within 10 days or disappears altogether. The active ingredient thymoquinone encourages the bile flow and increases toxins to be released.
Direction: 0.5 – 1 teaspoon of black seed oil taken 2-3 times a day for 20 days thereafter 1 teaspoon daily for 3 – 6 months.
For Headache
Black seed oil is confirmed to ease headaches by regulating the hormonal system, promoting prostaglandin effect and increasing elimination of uric acid.
Apply black seed oil to the forehead and the temples, because of essential oils detoxification occurs creating better circulation. Take 1 teaspoon of black seed oil daily and continue until symptoms diminish.
Ear ache
Mix ½ teaspoon of oil with ½ teaspoon of olive oil, warm and then drip into the ear and cover with a shawl or a woolen hat.
Colic in Babies
Warm oil in hand, massage the whole abdomen with it stroking clockwise.
Lack of concentration, weak spirit
This can apply to simple disspiritidness but can also be the beginning of senile dementia. Black seed oil's stimulation of prostaglandin E1 activity has a regulating effect on the brain and in older people is a useful tonic to take daily. Drink 1 glass of 100% fruit juice with 1 teaspoon of black seed oil for 2 weeks, take 1-2 teaspoons of black seed oil daily.
To increase lactation in mothers
The seeds' galactagogue action
– increasing the milk flow
– has been verified on a study using rats whilst a study on humans has yielded positive results on its immunopotentiating role. Drink 1 cup of nigella tea 3 times daily. (see 10 Black cumin in the kitchen)
For menopause
Drink nigella tea regularly. Steep the seeds in very hot (not boiling) water for 5 minutes. Take 2-3 teaspoons of black seed oil daily.
Gum inflammation and Toothache
Black seeds anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and pain killing effect helps in these symptoms.
Rub infected area with black seed oil.2, take 1 teaspoon as a mouth rinse, rinse through the teeth and mouth for 3-5 minutes then spit out and thoroughly clean mouth as the oil will be full of toxins.
Usually arise from poor diets and intestinal toxins.
Direction: 0.5 – 1 teaspoon of black seed oil taken 2-3 times a day for 20 days thereafter 1 teaspoon daily for 3 – 6 months.
Bruises and injuries
Black seed oil when applied externally creates detoxification and better circulation because of essential oils. Also penetrates into deeper tissue and accelerates healing.
Massage into affected area and take 1 teaspoon 2-3 times daily.
Beauty Care
Naturally for care of beauty we must primarily take care of health. Black seed oil has been used by Cleopatra and Queen Nefertete (who was famous for her bronze like complexion) and was also administered by Pliny for restoring and maintaining beauty.
The essential oil of black seed provides cleansing and purifying qualities while the EFA content make it a wonderful moisturiser for both skin and hair. Black seed supports cell renewal, connective tissues are strengthened, blood supply to the skin is stimulated and the skin is revitalised.
Mix ½ teaspoon of black seed oil with ½ teaspoon of olive oil and apply to the face avoiding eyes. Leave for 15 minutes and then wash off with warm water.
Hair Care
Black seed strengthens the scalp and hair follicles. Apply black seed oil to the scalp (for problem hair can also massage into the hair.) and leave for ½ hour. Then wash out thoroughly.
Animal Care
Black seed oil is a famous product in Germany, Switzerland and Austria for animal health care especially horses. Black seed oil is said to have the following properties for treating animals; Improves circulation, digestion, flatulence, purifying, cellulite, euphoric, relieves fatigue & pain. Analgesic, Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Antitoxic, Aperitif, Aphrodisiac, Emmenagogue.
For cats and dogs administer ½-1 teaspoon of oil to food, for horses 2-3 teaspoons. This relieves respiratory ailments, allergic reactions and parasites of all kinds. Also the animals skin should begin to shine with health.
External application, steep black seed in water for 1 hour then spray on coat before grooming for gleaming hair and skin, improved circulation and to protect from or dispel fleas. 20-30 drops may be directly applied to ease hoof inflammations.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that these applications are taken from traditional and modern applications. In the case of illness one should always contact a physician to be absolutely sure. The statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA, and as such, shall not be construed as medical advice, implied or otherwise.
Where to buy Black seed oil
The widespread use of pain pills has created the need of proper guidance due to rise in Addiction level of such drugs. People should us pain pills only if prescribed. Consulting a doctor before dosing over pain pills such as vicodin, hydrocodone is important. One should not ignore it as health is the most precious thing which should not be ignored at any cost. Vicodin Addiction may lead to intensified health issues and increase in illness. Purchase of vicodin is therefore done only under a prescription of a physician. One should use these drugs cautiously so that overdose may not lead to other issues which become impossible to cure and further intensifies pain related issues.