Nigella Sativa flowers

Freitag, 8. April 2011

The Health Benefits of Black Seed

The Health Benefits of Black Seed

Mahfouz and El-Dakhakhny, prominent Egyptian researchers isolated the active principle nigellone from Black Seed's essential oil in 1959. There are over 100 different chemical components in the seed.

Nigella and melatin are two ingredients in Black Seed that contribute greatly to its highly diversified powers. These substances work together to provide the digestive benefits that have been revered in Black Seed. They also promote cleansing and assist with overall eliminating action.

Two of the most volatile oils found in Black seed are nigellone and thymoquinone which were fist discovered in the herb in 1985. Nigellone offers both anti-spasmodic and bronchodilating properties which contribute to Black Seed's potency against respiratory ailments. It also acts as an antihistamine which helps to reduce the negative symptoms of allergy sufferers. Thymoquinone contains excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It is also a strong anti-oxidant and helps cleanse the body of toxins. Both nigellone and thymoquinone work in conjunction with one another to enhance Black Seed's action against respiratory ailments. It also provides a healthy alternative to the more commonly prescribed cortisone based therapies used by allergy sufferers.

Black seed provides a rich supply of polyunsaturated fatty acids. These ingredients play a key role in daily health and wellness. They help to regulate the metabolism, carry toxins to the skin's surface for elimination, balance insulin levels, regulate cholesterol, improve body circulation, and promote healthy liver function. A deficiency in polyunsaturated fatty acids can lead to a wide number of health problems including nervous system disorders, uninhibited growths, and skin diseases.

Black seed contains over 100 valuable nutrients. It is comprised of approximately 21% protein, 38% carbohydrates, and 35% plant fats and oils. The active ingredients of black seed are nigellone, thymoquinone, and fixed oils. Black seed also contains significant proportions of protein, carbohydrates and essential fatty acids. Other ingredients include linoleic acid, oleic acid, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, niacin, and vitamin C.

A 1994 study conducted in London by King's College revealed that Black Seed has properties that inhibit certain enzymes, which also inhibit the production of certain prostaglandins. This is more proof that the rich and complex combination of elements found in Black Seed work together for a total effect.

Black Seed has over 1400 years history of use. Many ancient books and text suggest the following traditional uses for Black Seed. But please note, that these should not be understood as cures or treatments for any disease or illness.

For Cough and Asthma

Apply Black seed oil to the chest and back.

Mix a teaspoon of Black seed oil in Boiling water and inhale the vapor twice a day.

Take half a teaspoon of Black seed Oil daily in the morning.

Cystic fibrosis

Massage the chest with black seed oil, and drink a mixture of one teaspoon black seed oil with a teaspoon pure honey, morning afternoon and evening.


Mix a cup of whole black seeds, a cup of Water Cress Seeds (Mustard seed can be used as an alternative), half a cup of pomegranate peel and half a cup of fumitory. Grind the mixture to powder. Take half a teaspoon of the mixture together with a teaspoon of black seed oil daily before breakfast for one month.


Mix a teaspoon of black seed oil with a cup of yogurt. Drink the mixture twice a day until symptoms disappear.

Dry Cough

A teaspoon of black seed oil should be mixed in coffee and taken twice a day. Rub the chest and back with black seed oil.

Eye disease & impaired vision

Rub the eyelids and the sides of the eye orbits half an hour before going to bed with black seed oil. A tablespoon of the oil should also be drunk with a cup of carrot juice. Results should be apparent in one month, insha Allaah.

Facial paralysis & tetanus

Inhaling the vapor of black seed oil and hot water can help against facial paralysis and tetanus, and eliminates their causes, insha Allaah.

Flu & nasal congestion

Placing three to four drops of black seed oil in each nostril relieves nasal congestion and head cold distress.

Gall stones & kidney stones

Prepare a formulation of 250g of ground black seed & 250g pure honey, stir thoroughly before use. Take two tablespoons of this formulation and mix thoroughly with half a cup of hot water. Finally add one teaspoon of black seed oil. This mixture is to be taken every morning before consuming any food.


A teaspoon of black seed oil mixed in a glass of orange juice with breakfast makes you active all through the day. A teaspoon of black seed oil mixed in a hot drink after supper gives you a quiet sleep all through the night.

Diseases and their cure inshallah

Asthma, Bronchial & Respiratory problems

Mix a tablespoon of black seed oil in coffee. Take twice daily. Rub chest with black seed oil every night and inhale the vapor of black seed oil in hot water.

Backache & other kinds of rheumatism

Mildly heat a small amount of black seed oil and then stroke the rheumatic area intensely. A teaspoon of oil should also be drunk three times daily.

Beard growth

Massage the beard area with black seed oil ensuring that the oil penetrates to the roots, this stimulates the growth of the beard and prevents premature hair graying.

Breast feeding (increase the flow of breast milk)

Prepare a mixture of 250g black seeds & 250g pure honey, stir thoroughly before each dosage. Take two tablespoons of this formulation mixed with one teaspoon of black seed oil daily.

Common cold symptoms and nasal congestion

Firstly fry whole black seeds, then finely grind them into powder. Soak this in black seed oil and any vegetable oil. Place three to four drops in each nostril (N.B. this will cause excessive sneezing).

For Hypertension

Take half teaspoon of Black seed oil with any hot drink at any time. Take 2 lobes of garlic on empty stomach. Apply Black seed oil to your whole body and expose it to the sun every three days, continue the treatment for a month.

For Heart complaints & Constriction of Veins

Take half teaspoon of black seed oil mixed with any hot drink daily in the mornings, this will liquefy the fats and widen the veins and arteries.

Inflammation of the Nose and throat

Put a few drops of oil in to a cup of boiling water and inhale the vapor. Take half a teaspoon of black seed oil with lemon juice daily.

For Headache and Ear ache

Apply black seed oil to the forehead, sides of face adjacent to the ears and behind the ears. Take half teaspoon of Black seed Oil and continue for about 3 days.

For Loss of Hair & premature Graying.

Scrub the scalp thoroughly with lemon, leave it for 15 minutes, wash away with water and shampoo and dry well, thereafter apply Black seed oil to the whole scalp, continue for a few weeks.

For Eye infection, Pain and Weak sight.

Apply Black seed oil around the eyes and on the eye lid before going to sleep. Take half a teaspoon Black seed oil mixed with carrot juice. For weak sight continue treatment.

For Backache and Rheumatic pain

Warm Black seed oil slightly and apply to the area thoroughly as you are massaging the bone, not the skin and drink half teaspoon Black seed oil for 15 days.

For Vomiting

Take half teaspoon of fresh ginger juice mixed with equal amount of Black seed oil, twice a day.

For toothache

Mix a half teaspoon of Black seed oil with warm water and gargle the mouth and apply oil on the affected tooth, it will alleviate pain quickly.


The Prophet never suffered from a wound or a thorn without putting Henna on it

- Hadith, naratted by Umm Salamah

(RadiAllahu anha)

[at-Tirmidhi, al-Bayhaqi]

Listed below are some common problems and ailments which can easily be cured from the use of Black Seed:

General health

Take 1 tablespoon blackseed oil morning and night, or at least in the morning before breakfast on its own or with 1 teaspoon pure honey

Acne and Skin

Mix and heat for 2 minutes 1 cup grounded black seed ½ cup grounded pomegranate skin and ½ cup apple cider vinegar. Apply on area before going to sleep every night until it disappears. Mixture can last 3 weeks and have to be kept in cool temperature.

Baldness (Alopecia)

Rub black seed oil on trouble spots


Take ½ teaspoon black seed boiled in water

Backache (lower)

Mix honey with ¼ teaspoon black seed and take it first thing in the morning before breakfast

Bee & Wasp stings

Take ½ teaspoon black seed boiled in water


Take ½ teaspoon black seed mixed with honey and warm water every morning before breakfast

Mix 2 cups grounded black seed and ½ cup pure honey. Take 1 tablespoon of mixture with 1 cup warm water every morning before breakfast. Mixture can last 15 days and have to be kept in cool temperature


Take 21 black seed, put it in a cloth and soak overnight. Use as droplets for the nose the next day

Inhale powdered black seed kept in cloth


Take 3-4 drops of black seed oil in coffee or tea


Take black seed in powdered form with water

High blood pressure

Mix 1 tablespoon grounded black seed, 1 tablespoon pure honey and a little garlic. Take the mixture before breakfast every morning for 20 days

Inflammation & pain of teeth & gums

Boil black seed in vinegar and use it to rinse teeth & gums Avoid using commercial toothpastes and use toothpaste made from vegetable fibre of the siwak tree which has been used for centuries by Indians, Africans and Asians as natural toothpaste.


Take ½ teaspoon powdered black seed mixed with honey 2x day

Immune system:

Take 1 tablespoon day and night


Take ½ teaspoon black seed with honey, then drink warm water


Take black seed with milk

Chronic head pains (migraine, headache)

Fry black seed and put it cotton-made cloth, tie or simply put the cloth on the forehead

Soak black seed in vinegar overnight, pound it the next day to make powder. Insert in nostril and inhale

Dry Skin

Mix honey with ¼ teaspoon black seed and take it first thing in the morning before breakfast


Mix honey with ¼ teaspoon black seed and take it first thing in the morning before breakfast


Take black seed with vinegar to get rid of worms


Black Seed Oil (Nigella Sativa)

100% pure, cold pressed, GMO, solvent & additive free and comes from the highest quality seeds.

Extracts from "Black Seed Natures Miracle Remedy" by W.G. Goreja

For thousands of years, humans around the world have recognized the tremendous healing properties of a legendary herb - Nigella Sativa, or Black Seed.

"Black Seed heals every disease except for death." The Prophet Mohammed proclaimed over fourteen hundred years ago. It's quite a statement; but..

The protective and healing powers of Black Seed, the seeds from the plant Nigella Sativa, are so astoundingly comprehensive and varied that for thousands of years humans have regarded it as a "Miracle Cure".

Black Seed has an unprecedented strengthening effect upon the immune system, and works in a host of other ways to promote optimum health and well being. It works by assisting the body in its own natural healing processes.

This remarkable herb has a legendary status and has had a recent resurgence in Western medicine. Its efficacy is solidly backed by three thousand years of folklore and the past fifty years have seen a burgeoning amount of scientific data to further support Black Seed's renowned healing properties.

'We now realize that a complex synergy of over 100 chemicals contained in Black Seed work together to enhance and strengthen the body's immune system in a way no other singular, naturally occurring substance has ever been known to do'.

The very fact that Black Seed targets the vital workings of the immune system grants it power over a wide range of ailments, both as a treatment and preventative. Consequently, Black Seed has proved itself a forceful ally against many ailments, such as those caused by bacteria, viruses, and common allergies.

It has also proved valuable against such fatal diseases as cancer and AIDS.* When it comes to health and well-being, a strong immune system is vital, and the properties of Black Seed are key to regaining the efficient functioning of your immune system and maintaining its optimum effectiveness. Furthermore, Black Seed is a potent, antihistamine, anti-tumour,* antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory agent, and the application of these actions alone provides relief for a multitude of ailments and disorders.

Black seed has such diverse powers that, before we examine the specific uses of the herb, let's recap the variety of actions that it provides. Although many more can be listed from centuries of use, the actions that follow have all been verified through scientific research conducted over the last fifty years.

Black Seed's Mechanisms of Action

Analgesic: Relieves or dampens sensation of pain.

Anthelmintic: (Also know as vermicide or vermifuge) destroys and expels intestinal worms.

Anti-bacterial: Destroys or inhibits the growth of destructive bacteria.

Anti-Inflammatory: Reduces inflammation.

Anti-Microbial: Destroys or inhibits the growth of destructive microorganisms.

Antioxidant: Prevents or delays the damaging oxidisation of the body's cells - particularly useful against free radicals.

Anti-Pyretic: (Also known as ferbrifuge) - exhibits a 'cooling action', useful in fever reduction.

Anti-spasmodic: Prevents or eases muscle spasms and cramps.

Anti-tumour: Counteracts or prevents the formation of malignant tumours*

Carminative: Stimulates digestion and induces the expulsion of gas from the stomach and the intestines.

Diaphoretic: Induces perspiration during fever to cool and stimulate the release of toxins.

Diuretic: Stimulates urination to relieve bloating and rid the body of any excess water.

Digestive: Stimulates bile and aids in the digestive process.

Emmenagogue: Stimulates menstrual flow and activity.

Galactogogue: Stimulates the action of milk in new mothers.

Hypotensive: Reduces excess blood pressure.

Immunomodulator: Suppresses or strengthens immune system activity as needed for optimum balance.

Laxative: Causes looseness or relaxation of the bowels.

My Understanding of Black Seed Oil by John Claydon D.Hom

In what way does Black Seed oil, as a broad-spectrum remedy, differ from the other broad-spectrum remedies or superfoods, such as Chlorella, Barley Grass and Pollen?

It does not contain such a complete range of nutrients as the super foods mentioned, so falls midway between a herbal remedy and a functional food and Black Seed Oil has many health benefits. Superfoods can gradually improve the overall health by addressing the problem of cellular malnutrition - the long term basis of all chronic disease.

Cellular malnutrition in the first world is due to many factors such as farming methods that deplete the soils essential nutrients, and supply us with 'empty food'. The practice of cooking food denatures and impedes absorption, combined with impaired digestion. Other factors including eating refined foods and a toxic environment. These all contribute to cellular starvation of essential fluids and nutrients.

With regular consumption of superfoods we can gradually improve the state of our cellular nutrition, and in turn health will gradually improve, although improvements in vitality can often occur quickly. However, certain organs and systems of the body can remain below par even after a comprehensive nutritional and dietary programme has been in use for many months. In other words there are certain stubborn issues our bodies do not give up easily.

For example liver congestion, an almost universal occurrence, can be quite stubborn. You may choose to use a Liver/Gall Bladder Flush and this can often help. You can also use black seed oil (we cannot guarantee that this will clear out all your stones and 'mud' in the liver gall bladder region, it depends on many factors, but even with the flush procedure 6 or more flushes may be needed). I have found that after only a few days of using black seed oil it has improved liver function and associated digestive problems. The warming and bitter qualities seem to penetrate into blockages in the body and rapidly instigate normalisation.

Two persons with toothache were much improved soon after rubbing the oil into the effected gum. In the short term of my familiarity of this product, it appears to be one of those remedies that are very potent, highly effective, and able to target a wide range of health problems.

Some of the health conditions it has improved

Gastrointestinal dysfunction - flatulence, diarrhoea and constipation.

Liver dysfunction - underactivity, congestion, jaundice. Galls stones.

Kidney ailments - urination difficulties, urinary infections, cystitis.

Respiratory ailments - infection, cough, sore throat, congestion, bronchial inflammation, asthma. Bronchial-dilating properties.

Menstrual problems


Hair and skin care - promotes follicle growth and helps to prevent dandruff.

Immune system - improves overall function, resistance to infection but also stabilises, helping to eliminate auto-immune diseases. Stimulates production of bone marrow.

Hypertension - Animal studies have shown benefits in this area such as a marked drop in arterial pressure after only 15 days of use. The anti-oxidant properties of black seed may account for its usefulness in treating hypertension and other cardio-vascular disorders.


Various animals have been studied in relation to diabetes/high blood sugar. All showed a significant decrease in glucose levels after 48 hours of supplementation with black seed oil. Blood glucose levels continued to fall for up to a few weeks, when a levelling occurred and a therapeutic balance was maintained. The prominent physician and herbalist Muhammed Salim Khan has confirmed the benefits with human subjects. The best results with diabetes will be obtained by combining black seed oil with dietary adjustment, involving a low carbohydrate diet that includes raw fats and protein (see Dietary Guidelines)


Black seed has powerful anti-inflammatory, bronchial-dilating and anti-histamine properties, and as such is an excellent agent against allergic reactions and states. In one study on 600 allergic patients, 70% were completely cured of their allergies. The symptoms of allergy apparently included hay fever and asthma, skin disorders such as rashes, dandruff or inflammations, fatigue, bowel disturbances or lowered sex drive.


Disclaimer: Regenerative Nutrition advocates a holistic approach to natural health and wellbeing. The body's ability and power to heal depends upon the totality of diet, nutrition, lifestyle and environmental factors. No claims for the cure of any disease is intended, or implied. Always consult a health care practitioner when combating disease states. The statements in this article have not been approved by the FDA.


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Re: The health benefits of blackseed oil by #137170 24 days 56HI Moe123,

I have been reading your post and find them really interesting and informative. I plan on buying your ebook the 1st of next month. I do have a question. Is the black seed oil something that I can take for long term. I see so many things on curezone that say take it for 2 weeks and then stop for a week. I would like to take something that would benefit me that I don't have to check the calendar to see whether I can take it that day or not. I have read that there are no drug interactions and this is music to my ears. I don't take many meds but I do take two that are prescribed. I also take a liquid multi vitamin and liquid minerals. I have already ordered the oil but have not received it yet. Thank for all the information that you have posted.....I appreciate people like you, who don't mind passing on their knowledge. Can't wait to read your book.

Thanks MT

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Re: The health benefits of blackseed oil by mo123 24 days 79The oil is like a vitamin and must be taken long term like a vitamin. It is very simple to take, but remember to take it with honey or juice. Don't take it by itself. If you have no illness than take 1 tsp. with honey one half hour before breakfast. If you do not have honey then squeeze the juice of an orange and add the oil.

What kind of prescription medicine are you on? Hopefully the oil can eliminate the use of meds and you can only take the oil for rejuvenation.


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Re: The health benefits of blackseed oil by #137170 23 days 55Thanks for your response,

I take a blood pressure pill and I also take Digoxin for my heart as a result of the fact that I have a pacemaker. The blood pressure pill I can probably eliminate once I get my pressure down and consistent, but I will probably have to take the digoxin for life. I have recently lost 52 lbs with changing my life style and the foods that I was eating. I now want to do and use the best options that I have to further improve my health.

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Re: The health benefits of blackseed oil by mo123 23 days 74My sister had gastric bypass and lost 90 pounds and she was able to give up on all pills, so suggest losing weight will help you become free.

Black seed oil will help your blood pressure and hopefully you have a meter to check yourself with daily. A pacemaker? Then you need to follow your doc's advice on that one and yes you may need that medicine for the rest of your life.

I might suggest grape seed also as it helps circulation and blood flow.


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Re: The health benefits of blackseed oil by #137170 23 days 54Do you mind me asking how you got started with researching black seed oil? You seem to be very knowledgable about it and it is so interesting to read. You've convinced me to take this oil and I can hardly wait until I receive it. Can't wait to read your book altho you give a plethora of information here on curezone. I am trying to get my body as healthy as I can get it and also to make it as hostile as possible to any parasites that would want to reside here. Do you think that black seed oil will help me accomplish that?

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Re: The health benefits of blackseed oil by mo123 23 days 55I learned about black seed living in Jordan and being poor. I was too poor to go to the doctor and was drastically sick. I was passing out, having migraines, chest pains, over weight and had severe allergies. My neighbor suggested to me about black seed and well the rest is history.

Actually most of what is in my book is here on the forum. My book gives you one place to find everything and my recommendations and sources of more info. If you are financially strapped then just read every post on this forum and you will know most of what I say in the book.

Of course my book tells my story of how I became well, rich and about my cat too, hehehhe.

I believe with faith anyone can be well. I believe that Allah brings everyone to this forum for a reason. I hope you are reading my newspaper everyday also as that has many black seed articles. I might suggest subscribing. I am getting ready to post in a minute or two tomorrows paper.


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Re: The health benefits of blackseed oil by #137170 23 days 63I would like to subscribe.....where do I go to do that.

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